September 29, 2023
Vol. 1, No. 2
From the Publisher
By William J. Ziebell, Founder & Publisher
The Eagle Chronicle is a community sourced newspaper serving the City of Eagle, Idaho with traditional print and modern digital formats. Please visit us at to submit your letters and announcements.
This issue of the Eagle Chronicle is made possible by the publication of two paid political announcements that come to you in longform letters directly from the candidates. My goal is to provide you, the reader, with detailed information and knowledge that enlightens your vote without the blatant manipulation being wielded by our government, social media, and internet search for power and profit, which in this publisher’s view, is a direct threat to a stable functioning government for the people and to the continuation of our republic. The restoration of the fourth estate is paramount in its capacity to vanquish this threat. All that is necessary is to restore its fealty and service to the republic by serving the people instead of the administrative state, political parties, and multinational corporations. This restoration is a peaceful path to enable our nation to continue to deliver on its promise of “One nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.”